Our Vision


Our vision is to Raise, Equip & Release Apostolic and Prophetic leaders to function effectively in their callings through constructive training in our 4 main pillars.


The Pillar of Prayer

We believe in a lifestyle of prayer. Prayer is communication with the father - God - and this line of communication must always remain open. When we are in communication with God, he responds, thus a lifestyle of prayer produces results.

The Pillar of the Word

The word of God preceded creation, it is the very bedrock of any christian life. We believe that learning to rightly divide this word of truth and knowing how to apply it to your life will result in a fruitful life. As a result, this is a pillar that cannot be compromised on.

The Community Pillar

Just like the church described in Acts 2:42-45, we believe that a congregation of believers, that continue steadfastly in the Christ's doctrines, fellowship, in breaking of bread, and in prayers will establish a strong Godly community. This is exactly what we aim to do at House of Treasure.

The Financial Pillar

We believe it is imperative for all believers to understand the importance of good financial management. Finances are a real part of our everyday lives that ought to be navigated with wisdom. Through practical teaching and training sessions we ensure that all at the House of Treasure have access to this knowledge to fortify the financial pillar in their own lives.

Soul Winning

The bible tells us in Proverbs 11:30 that "He who wins souls is wise". Therefore we maintain the belief that every follower of Christ must be an active soul winner. 


 Jesus spoke of a day, which is today, where true worshipers would worship God the father in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). Like prayer, we believe worship to be a lifestyle that goes beyond the songs you sing but should be evident in every facet of your life.